This is not a healthy custom, although it is common. One of the explanations for this lack of commitment is the impossible and unrealistic goals that are established, making it very difficult to achieve them. With the intention of doing something really good, we forgot to assess the conditions for that and ended up giving up midway.

With that in mind, we’ll talk about the importance of setting goals and how they can help with personal development. In addition, we will give tips on how to set realistic goals and the importance of health in this context. Follow us!

Why are goals important?

Personal goals are critical to defining what you want to achieve in your life. They are a source of continuous motivation and make a decisive contribution to your personal development.

High-level athletes, entrepreneurs, successful professionals establish goals for their activities, as they are a way of evaluating what must be achieved in the short, medium and long term.

Furthermore, when fulfilled, the goals bring more self-confidence and satisfaction, as what was planned is being achieved. There is nothing better than accomplishing what you want, whether professional, relationship, health or any other area of ​​life.

Generally speaking, goals facilitate the achievement of what has been established. When a goal is not set as something to be achieved, it ends up losing its power and attention over time, making it much easier to forget about it. Making this a plausible goal is a way to fulfil your dreams.

How to objectively define personal goals?

It is worth noting that the benefits mentioned above are only received when what is planned is in reality. When goals are unattainable, they have the opposite effect, demotivating the person. Therefore, we will bring you some tips on how to objectively set personal goals. Check out!

think about motivations

Why is such an aspect one of your purposes? This is a very important question in the goal creation process and should be asked before you define your direction. You need to understand the real reasons for this yearning and what its use will be for the future.

It’s no use setting goals for reasons beyond your interest, so don’t set a goal just for fashion or for pleasing someone around you. Please remember that what works for some may not work for others, so find motivations that inspire and make sense in your life.

Analyze whether the goal can really be met

As mentioned above, an unattainable goal is a strong source of demotivation, therefore, it is essential to analyze whether it can really be achieved. When setting an objective, check what needs to be done, the conditions that will be available and feasibility.

It’s no use determining that you’ll train for an hour every day of the week, if you know you need to rest or that you’re going to take trips that can get in the way, for example. When you do this, after a few days you will notice that you are not doing the right thing, and you will eventually give up.

Be specific in the description

Another objective way to establish assertive goals is to be specific when describing them. When they are too vague, they accept things that don’t really represent the main purpose. Furthermore, the lack of a path to be followed can discourage and hinder your execution.

A goal that is described only as losing weight is not very detailed. In this way, any amount lost can be considered a success, which is not very effective and does not reflect reality. On the other hand, establishing a monthly or annual number for the loss, as much as possible, brings more objectivity and direction for what should be done.

Why should health be among your goals?

Among several areas that may receive your personal goals, such as professional and emotional, health must have priority space in your planning. Often our commitments prevent us from taking care of physical well-being and do not allow us to have a healthy life.

However, we should not play with our health, as it gives us the strength to carry out other activities, in addition to improving the quality of life. When the goals of healthy living are built effectively and with commitment, they can be achieved and bring countless benefits.

improve nutrition

One of the most common purposes, but which is not always very easy to be fulfilled, is to improve nutrition. As much as we know what should be done, commitments, lack of time and our desires prevent us from eating healthy.

The tip is not to push yourself to extremes, but rather, look for a change in your eating habits. It’s better to eat well year-round rather than strict diets for a fixed period of time. In addition to being healthier, the results will be lasting.

Whatever your intention, it is essential to eat healthy foods, such as fruits, oilseeds, seeds, green leaves, vegetables, varied salads, controlled carbohydrates, among others.

Practice exercises

This goal depends on what you are used to doing. If your routine includes weekly exercise, you might consider increasing your practice days or training intensity.

On the other hand, if you’re stuck, be realistic and set goals that are possible, like exercising two or three times a week. Remember that in order to stay motivated in your workouts, you need to have realistic goals.