In weight training, it is common for most people to think that to achieve hypertrophy, it is necessary to exercise with more weight and, therefore, it becomes more intense. However, several factors need to be evaluated, such as the physiology of the organism that ends up directly influencing the intensity. The strength performed during a series of exercises is directly associated with the load used.

Continue reading this post and find out what is the ideal training intensity and how to properly dose it. Good reading!

What is training intensity?

Training intensity is an important point to promote improvements and increase endurance, in addition to preventing future injuries and overtraining. Therefore, regardless of the objective of each individual, the gain and/or maintenance of strength is a common point between them.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the intensity is inversely proportional to the weight used in the exercise and, therefore, the more intense a workout, the shorter it should be.

For those who want to increase muscle mass or improve their physical condition, it is necessary to find a balance in the training level, where the interdependence of volume and intensity is respected.

How important is it to maintain control during exercise?

Training intensity is an important factor in maintaining constant control and maintenance of exercise results. Certainly, those who practice physical exercises should already know that it is necessary to adjust the intensity with each workout, in order to prevent the gain in muscle mass from entering the plateau stage.

Regardless of the type of physical activity, the intensity can be controlled in different ways. In weight training, it is possible to control the exercise intensity through the amount of weight lifted, whereas in running, we can choose the heart rate volume as one of the ways of control.

What are the risks of training at high intensity?

High-intensity activities offer benefits to the body. However, there are some risks when practising them, especially if performed incorrectly or without monitoring by a trained professional.

This type of training is intended to burn the sugar stored in the muscles, known as glycogen. Thus, the intense energy expenditure makes the metabolism remain active even after you have finished exercising, which is not always a suitable process for most people.

Although practised in shorter sequences, more intense exercises demand more from the muscles, bones and also heart. Any physical activity performed without guidance causes serious damage to health.

Thus, it is worth emphasizing that having control of training intensity is a key part to achieve the desired results without losing training efficiency.

One of the important factors during your training intensity is to do a deep breathing while performing your routine exercises. What is deep breathing? Well i have taken some time and explained it below for you guys to read:

The positive effects of deep breathing explained

Whenever people take shallow and short breaths they are restricting the amount of oxygen that is available to the brain and other body parts and organs. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that shallow breathing can boost blood pressure too due to the fact that the heart must pump much faster in order to get the necessary amount of oxygen you are providing to other body parts. By performing deep breathing exercises, you will be able to achieve body and mind balance and harmony. At the same time, you will boost the metabolic rate which will lead to a myriad of health benefits.

The human body cannot thrive without oxygen and digestion is blocked whenever the bodily functions like breathing are interrupted or slowed down. The good news is that deep breathing exercises are simple and easy. They can be performed as many times as you can and want and they can be used anywhere you want. They are part of yoga and martial arts training and many meditation techniques too.

Many modern men and women use sugar and caffeine to activate their body and mind. This is definitely a convenient way to start your day, but it comes with many downsides. Conducting easy breathing exercises will increase oxygen levels in the body and you will feel even greater benefits without the side effects.

By getting involved in martial arts, yoga, and meditation practices you can learn how to breathe in a proper way. Of course, this is something that you can learn at home too. First of all, sit and keep your back as straight as possible. At the same time your shoulders should be backed a little bit and your head up. After that, breathe in as slow and as deep as possible in the stomach. Keep your breath for 2-3 seconds and breathe out slowly. Perform this procedure between five and ten times.