Living With Diabetes 101

7 mins read

In this article, we concentrate on writing helpful tips and information about diabetics and those affected by diabetes. It’s very important to take this disease seriously in order to have a healthy natural life. Whether you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for the first time or have had type 1 diabetes for a decade, our mission is to help you overcome problems with this disease.

Diabetic Information

In people with diabetes, blood flow to the feet and toes is usually restricted, because most of the time the feet become numb and the person often does not feel the pain and burning associated with foot injuries and lesions, there is always a risk of foot ulcers. Wounds in people with diabetes are delayed and often associated with infection due to incomplete blood sugar metabolism, so this group of patients should take serious care of their lower limbs, especially their feet and toes.

Tasks to carry out:

Examine and observe your feet daily and check for cuts, blisters, red and swollen spots, calluses, corns, dryness, discoloration, wear and any other injuries, and if it is difficult for you to see the soles of your feet through a mirror Or get help from someone at home. In the event of a wound, tell your doctor if the healing process does not begin after one day.

To remove calluses and calluses, use foot stone and gently smooth on these areas.

If you have dry skin, apply a thin layer of cream or emollient oil on the skin of the feet except the toes and massage until the skin is soft and delicate and pink. This will also help improve blood flow to the legs.

Wash your feet daily with warm water, not hot, and gently pat dry with soft towels, especially between the toes, to prevent fungal infections. Measure the water.

Hold the toenails smoothly and then round the edges with a nail file. Sharp edges of the nails can cause sores and infections of the fingertips.

Never use patched and uneven socks. Tight socks and tight socks restrict blood circulation.

Do not walk barefoot, especially in public places such as mosques and shrines.

Never wear plastic shoes and always use leather shoes. Shoes should have wide toes and be one point larger than your feet. Avoid wearing separate toe shoes and do not wear a pair of shoes for two consecutive days. Put your shoes in the open air or in the sun after taking them off.

Because a diabetic foot feels low, inspect the inside of the shoes by hand each time before wearing them to make sure the inside surface is flat and there is nothing inside.

– Protect your feet from heat and cold and walk on the beach or on hot asphalt with appropriate shoes, and if you feel cold on your feet at night, use cotton moisture-absorbing socks. Never use a heater, stove or chair to warm your feet as your feet and toes may burn and you may not feel burning. Avoid exposing your feet to hot, scorching sun or cold water.

When sitting, do not hang your feet and shake your ankles and toes up and down 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes each time, and do not sit on all fours for a long time and do not put one foot on the other.

See your doctor for foot problems and do not self-medicate and never use over-the-counter medications and home remedies.

Traveling with diabetics 101:

Health experts recommend that people with diabetes start these plans four to six weeks before each trip. A diabetic’s plans for starting a safe and healthy trip include:

Get your diabetes under control. See your doctor before you embark on a long journey to make sure you are healthy and vaccinated.

* Make sure all your medications plus syringes and extra supplies are with you during the trip.

Get a letter from your doctor stating exactly what you need, what your to-do list is, and what you are allergic to.

* If you are traveling to a foreign country, learn key phrases such as “I have diabetes” and how to ask for sugar or juice in the local language.

* During the trip you should be able to choose from the menu of local dishes, a balanced diet suitable for diabetes.

* Carry your blood sugar tester with you.

What sexual problems does diabetes cause in women?

The sexual effects of diabetes in women may be less obvious than in men. But diabetic women may also experience problems,

Among the sexual problems in diabetic women are:

 Dryness: Vaginal dryness is the most common sexual problem in diabetic women. High blood sugar can harden the walls of blood vessels in the vaginal wall. This complication can negatively affect slipperiness and make intercourse painful. Using lubricating gels available in pharmacies can help solve this problem.

Sensory Impairment: High blood sugar affects the blood vessels that carry blood to the nerve fibers. These nerves do not work properly, you may feel numb in the vagina and as a result you may have trouble arousing or reaching orgasm.

Vaginal Infections: If your blood sugar is not properly controlled, you are more likely to get genital fungal infections or urinary tract infections. The itching, burning, and irritation caused by these infections can make intercourse painful. If you have these signs of infection, see your doctor for treatment.

Depression: Diabetes control problems can make you anxious or depressed. This condition may affect your libido. Type 2 diabetes can also be associated with weight gain, which in turn affects your self-esteem. Psychotherapy, medication or a combination of the two can help.

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